Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Former Mayor #MeToo'ed by Kamala Harris

Democrat Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris accused former mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown of sexual harassment today; Harris claimed the former speaker of the California State Assembly would grant her political appointments in exchange for dates.

Harris, a former holder of a position on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board of California, failed to produce any evidence to back up her claim.

"I may be a former attorney general for the city of San Francisco and a senator from the state of California, but he ruined my life.  The people of California do not require evidence for things like this." said Harris to an anonymous source.  "His life should be ruined for what he did to me.  All women should be believed regardless of past proven false statements."

Brown admitted the two dated in an article from the San Francisco Chronicle on January 27th 2019.

"I'm not in politics anymore.  Bringing this up now accomplishes nothing for her." said Brown in an interview with an anonymous source.  "I wish her luck in her upcoming presidential run.  She will need it."

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Former Mayor #MeToo'ed by Kamala Harris

Democrat Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris accused former mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown of sexual harassment today; Harris claimed ...